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    Yossi Zamir
    High Court
    Retired police commander
    Simon Perry
    Retired police commander Simon Perry , petition the High Court on March 16 2011 against police Major General Yochanan Danino based on the handling by senior police intelligence officers of the extradition of the Abergel brothers to the United States. Photo by Yossi Zamir/Flash 90
    Yossi Zamir
    attorney Eliad Shraga
    High Court
    Retired police commander
    Simon Perry
    Retired police commander Simon Perry and attorney Eliad Shraga, head of the Movement for Quality Government in Israel, petition the High Court on March 16 2011 against police Major General Yochanan Danino based on the handling by senior police intelligence officers of the extradition of the Abergel brothers to the United States. Photo by Yossi Zamir/Flash 90