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    Abir Sultan
    Yuval Steinitz
    Press conference
    Budget Report
    Ministry of Finance
    Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz presents the 2010 Budget Report during a Press conference at the Ministry of Finance in Jerusalem on Oct 19,2010. Photo by Abir Sultan/Flash90.
    Yossi Zeliger
    Gabi Maimon
    Interior Ministry director
    Gabi Maimon, Interior Ministry director general in Tel aviv court Oct 19 2010. Maimon was detained yesterday on suspicions of corruption, for allegedly buying land through deceptive means .Gabi Maimon was questioned by the police financial crimes unit for allegedly acquiring property improperly in Yad Binyamin, a community in central Israel. The land had been slated for Gush Katif evacuees and local residents. Photo by Yossi Zeliger/Flash90 **Maariv and agencies out**
    Yossi Zeliger
    Gabi Maimon
    Interior Ministry director
    Gabi Maimon, Interior Ministry director general in Tel aviv court Oct 19 2010. Maimon was detained yesterday on suspicions of corruption, for allegedly buying land through deceptive means .Gabi Maimon was questioned by the police financial crimes unit for allegedly acquiring property improperly in Yad Binyamin, a community in central Israel. The land had been slated for Gush Katif evacuees and local residents. Photo by Yossi Zeliger/Flash90 **Maariv and agencies out**