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    Gili Yaari
    Ehud Barak
    Israel Defense Minister
    Nili Priel
    FILE: Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak and his wife Nili Priel attend Herzelia Conference on Feb 03, 2010. Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein's decision last week to close the investigation over suspicions that Defense Minister Ehud Barak's wife, Nili Priel, hired an illegal foreign worker to do housekeeping at the couple's Tel Aviv apartment continues to make waves. It has become apparent that, in their hunt for the worker, authorities were looking for a woman named Virginia, while her original name was something entirely different. Today, Oct. 17'th, Israeli journalist Carmela Menashe, exposed the foreign worker who admitted working in Barak's appartment. Photo by Gili Yari / Flash 90.