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    Kobi Gideon
    Israel released 227 Palestinian prisoners as a gesture to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to mark the Muslim festival of Eid al-Adha (Feast of the Sacrifice). 209 of them were released from Ofer prison near Jerusalem, and brought to Beituniya checkpoint where hundreds of friends and relatives were waiting for them on the Palestinian side. Abbas said "Our happiness will not be complete until all 11000 prisoners are freed." December 15, 2008. Photo by Kobi Gideon/Flash90
    Yossi Zamir
    supreme court
    Uri Bar-Lev
    Yaakov Neeman
    Ya'akov Ne'eman
    Uri Bar-Lev appeal the desicion to fire him at the supreme court today, December 15 2008. Bar-Lev, was the Southern District chief. He was summarily dismissed by Israel Police Inspector David Cohen in late August, after Bar-Lev turned down Cohen's offer of a study leave. Bar-Lev replaced Cohen at the head of the Southern District just four months before the disengagement from Gaza, and therefore reaped all the praise for its successful implementation. In addition, when Cohen became police commissioner, he declared war on leaks from internal police meetings, and Bar-Lev, due to his close connections with journalists, was a prime suspect. Photo by Yossi Zamir/Flash90
    Yossi Zamir
    supreme court
    Uri Bar-Lev
    Yaakov Neeman
    Ya'akov Ne'eman
    Uri Bar-Lev appeal the desicion to fire him at the supreme court today, December 15 2008. Bar-Lev, was the Southern District chief. He was summarily dismissed by Israel Police Inspector David Cohen in late August, after Bar-Lev turned down Cohen's offer of a study leave. Bar-Lev replaced Cohen at the head of the Southern District just four months before the disengagement from Gaza, and therefore reaped all the praise for its successful implementation. In addition, when Cohen became police commissioner, he declared war on leaks from internal police meetings, and Bar-Lev, due to his close connections with journalists, was a prime suspect. Photo by Yossi Zamir/Flash90
    Yossi Zamir
    supreme court
    Uri Bar-Lev
    Yaakov Neeman
    Ya'akov Ne'eman
    eliad shraga
    Uri Bar-Lev appeal the desicion to fire him at the supreme court today, December 15 2008. Bar-Lev, was the Southern District chief. He was summarily dismissed by Israel Police Inspector David Cohen in late August, after Bar-Lev turned down Cohen's offer of a study leave. Bar-Lev replaced Cohen at the head of the Southern District just four months before the disengagement from Gaza, and therefore reaped all the praise for its successful implementation. In addition, when Cohen became police commissioner, he declared war on leaks from internal police meetings, and Bar-Lev, due to his close connections with journalists, was a prime suspect. Photo by Yossi Zamir/Flash90