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    Yossi Zamir
    hillel weiss
    bar ilan university
    Portrait of Hillel Weiss, a tenured professor at the Department of Literature of the Jewish People at Bar-llan University. Professor Hillel Weiss served as head of the Department of Hebrew Literature and changed its name to the Department of Literature of the Jewish People. Weiss is a researcher of modern Hebrew literature, specializing in research on Agnon’s writing. He has published a few books on the study of Agnon and other works that deal with modern Hebrew prose. Weiss was one of the founders of the religious peace movement in the early 1970s. November 26 2008. Photo by Yossi Zamir/Flash90.
    Yossi Zamir
    hillel weiss
    bar ilan university
    Portrait of Hillel Weiss, a tenured professor at the Department of Literature of the Jewish People at Bar-llan University. Professor Hillel Weiss served as head of the Department of Hebrew Literature and changed its name to the Department of Literature of the Jewish People. Weiss is a researcher of modern Hebrew literature, specializing in research on Agnon’s writing. He has published a few books on the study of Agnon and other works that deal with modern Hebrew prose. Weiss was one of the founders of the religious peace movement in the early 1970s. November 26 2008. Photo by Yossi Zamir/Flash90.
    Yossi Zamir
    Yisrael Ariel
    Machon Amikdash
    Temple institute
    Machon HaMikdash
    israel Ariel
    Portrait of Rabbi Yisrael Ariel, the chief rabbi of the evacuated Israeli settlement of Yamit. Rabbi Ariel is the founder of the Temple Institute (Machon HaMikdash). As a young man, he served in the paratroop unit that liberated the Western Wall (kotel) in the Six-Day War. November 25 2008. Photo by Yossi Zamir/Fash90.