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    Yossi Zamir
    ofer hugi
    Ofer Hugi, former Israeli politician who served as a Knesset member for Shas, was in court today at his appeal hearing. Two months ago he was sentenced to two years in prison, a year and-a-half probation and a fine of NIS 12,000 (roughly $2,900) after being convicted of various fraud charges for crimes in the sum of NIS 2 million (about $470,000). The court rejected his appeal today and sentenced him to three years in jail. November 13 2008. Photo by Yossi Zamir/Flash90.
    Yossi Zamir
    ofer hugi
    Ofer Hugi, former Israeli politician who served as a Knesset member for Shas, was in court today at his appeal hearing. Two months ago he was sentenced to two years in prison, a year and-a-half probation and a fine of NIS 12,000 (roughly $2,900) after being convicted of various fraud charges for crimes in the sum of NIS 2 million (about $470,000). The court rejected his appeal today and sentenced him to three years in jail. November 13 2008. Photo by Yossi Zamir/Flash90.
    Yossi Zamir
    ofer hugi
    Ofer Hugi, former Israeli politician who served as a Knesset member for Shas, was in court today at his appeal hearing. Two months ago he was sentenced to two years in prison, a year and-a-half probation and a fine of NIS 12,000 (roughly $2,900) after being convicted of various fraud charges for crimes in the sum of NIS 2 million (about $470,000). The court rejected his appeal today and sentenced him to three years in jail. November 13 2008. Photo by Yossi Zamir/Flash90.
    Yossi Zamir
    ofer hugi
    Ofer Hugi, former Israeli politician who served as a Knesset member for Shas, was in court today at his appeal hearing. Two months ago he was sentenced to two years in prison, a year and-a-half probation and a fine of NIS 12,000 (roughly $2,900) after being convicted of various fraud charges for crimes in the sum of NIS 2 million (about $470,000). The court rejected his appeal today and sentenced him to three years in jail. November 13 2008. Photo by Yossi Zamir/Flash90.
    Yossi Zamir
    ofer hugi
    rina levi
    Ofer Hugi, former Israeli politician who served as a Knesset member for Shas, was in court today at his appeal hearing. Two months ago he was sentenced to two years in prison, a year and-a-half probation and a fine of NIS 12,000 (roughly $2,900) after being convicted of various fraud charges for crimes in the sum of NIS 2 million (about $470,000). The court rejected his appeal today and sentenced him to three years in jail. November 13 2008. Photo by Yossi Zamir/Flash90.