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    Yossi Zamir
    labor court
    Port worker
    Port workers demonstrate in front of labor court in Jerusalem. September 2, 2008. National Labor Court Judge Steve Adler last night ordered the Ministry of Finance not to include new port reforms in the 2009 economics arrangements bill that it will distribute to the ministries tomorrow, at least until the next hearing on the subject on September 21. He also ordered the port workers to return to regular work, after a week of disruptions, which included hundreds of workers abandoning their posts last night to hold a demonstration outside the courthouse. Photo by Yossi Zamir / Flash 90.
    Yossi Zamir
    labor court
    Port worker
    Port workers demonstrate in front of labor court in Jerusalem. September 2, 2008. National Labor Court Judge Steve Adler last night ordered the Ministry of Finance not to include new port reforms in the 2009 economics arrangements bill that it will distribute to the ministries tomorrow, at least until the next hearing on the subject on September 21. He also ordered the port workers to return to regular work, after a week of disruptions, which included hundreds of workers abandoning their posts last night to hold a demonstration outside the courthouse. Photo by Yossi Zamir / Flash 90.
    Yossi Zamir
    labor court
    Port worker
    Port workers demonstrate in front of labor court in Jerusalem. September 2, 2008. National Labor Court Judge Steve Adler last night ordered the Ministry of Finance not to include new port reforms in the 2009 economics arrangements bill that it will distribute to the ministries tomorrow, at least until the next hearing on the subject on September 21. He also ordered the port workers to return to regular work, after a week of disruptions, which included hundreds of workers abandoning their posts last night to hold a demonstration outside the courthouse. Photo by Yossi Zamir / Flash 90.