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    Yossi Zamir
    district court
    Ehud Olmert
    Moshe Lador
    prime minister
    State Prosecutor
    State Prosecutor Moshe Lador (R) at the district court in Jerusalem after a discussion about Prime Minister Ehud Olmert investigation , May 6, 2008. Moshe Lador on Tuesday said the sweeping gag order placed over the new criminal probe into Prime Minister Ehud Olmert will not be lifted before Independence Day, which begins Wednesday night. Photo by Yossi Zamir/Flash90.
    Yossi Zamir
    district court
    Ehud Olmert
    prime minister
    Prime Minister Ehud Olmert investigation at the district court in Jerusalem, May 6, 2008. State Prosecutor Moshe Lador on Tuesday said the sweeping gag order placed over the new criminal probe into Prime Minister Ehud Olmert will not be lifted before Independence Day, which begins Wednesday night. Photo by Yossi Zamir/Flash90.
    Yossi Zamir
    district court
    Ehud Olmert
    Moshe Lador
    prime minister
    State Prosecutor
    Attorney Roi Belcher, PM Olmert's lawyer, arrives to the district court in Jerusalem before the discussion about Prime Minister Ehud Olmert investigation , May 6, 2008. Moshe Lador on Tuesday said the sweeping gag order placed over the new criminal probe into Prime Minister Ehud Olmert will not be lifted before Independence Day, which begins Wednesday night. Photo by Yossi Zamir/Flash90.