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    Yossi Zamir
    Cila Krystal
    Holocaust survivor
    Holocaust survivor Cila Krystal from Kovno was 100 years old on April 21, 2008. She is completly independent and lives alone in a dilapidated apartment in Kfar Saba.Everyday she dresses herself and goes on her own to the local pensioners' home for meals and recreation. A volunteer for Serge and Beate Klarsfeld's social welfare activities in favor of Holocaust survivors came across her case when she finally asked for financial assistance from the Claims Conference and the local welfare services.The Klarsfeld's took care of renovating her home last month. The renovations continue and today they also delivered shoes, a 6 month supply of Ensure food supplement and cornflakes, and a microwave since for years now, she has been eating only cold food. Neither of her children support her in any way. She sleeps on a broken couch, has no cooking facilities, no doorbell, no banister for the stairs leading to her door, no gas in the house and limited electricity. April 30 2008. Photo by Yossi Zamir/Flash 90
    Yossi Zamir
    Cila Krystal
    Holocaust survivor
    Holocaust survivor Cila Krystal from Kovno was 100 years old on April 21, 2008. She is completly independent and lives alone in a dilapidated apartment in Kfar Saba.Everyday she dresses herself and goes on her own to the local pensioners' home for meals and recreation. A volunteer for Serge and Beate Klarsfeld's social welfare activities in favor of Holocaust survivors came across her case when she finally asked for financial assistance from the Claims Conference and the local welfare services.The Klarsfeld's took care of renovating her home last month. The renovations continue and today they also delivered shoes, a 6 month supply of Ensure food supplement and cornflakes, and a microwave since for years now, she has been eating only cold food. Neither of her children support her in any way. She sleeps on a broken couch, has no cooking facilities, no doorbell, no banister for the stairs leading to her door, no gas in the house and limited electricity. April 30 2008. Photo by Yossi Zamir/Flash 90
    Yossi Zamir
    Cila Krystal
    Holocaust survivor
    Holocaust survivor Cila Krystal from Kovno was 100 years old on April 21, 2008. She is completly independent and lives alone in a dilapidated apartment in Kfar Saba.Everyday she dresses herself and goes on her own to the local pensioners' home for meals and recreation. A volunteer for Serge and Beate Klarsfeld's social welfare activities in favor of Holocaust survivors came across her case when she finally asked for financial assistance from the Claims Conference and the local welfare services.The Klarsfeld's took care of renovating her home last month. The renovations continue and today they also delivered shoes, a 6 month supply of Ensure food supplement and cornflakes, and a microwave since for years now, she has been eating only cold food. Neither of her children support her in any way. She sleeps on a broken couch, has no cooking facilities, no doorbell, no banister for the stairs leading to her door, no gas in the house and limited electricity. April 30 2008. Photo by Yossi Zamir/Flash 90
    Yossi Zamir
    Cila Krystal
    Holocaust survivor
    Holocaust survivor Cila Krystal from Kovno was 100 years old on April 21, 2008. She is completly independent and lives alone in a dilapidated apartment in Kfar Saba.Everyday she dresses herself and goes on her own to the local pensioners' home for meals and recreation. A volunteer for Serge and Beate Klarsfeld's social welfare activities in favor of Holocaust survivors came across her case when she finally asked for financial assistance from the Claims Conference and the local welfare services.The Klarsfeld's took care of renovating her home last month. The renovations continue and today they also delivered shoes, a 6 month supply of Ensure food supplement and cornflakes, and a microwave since for years now, she has been eating only cold food. Neither of her children support her in any way. She sleeps on a broken couch, has no cooking facilities, no doorbell, no banister for the stairs leading to her door, no gas in the house and limited electricity. April 30 2008. Photo by Yossi Zamir/Flash 90
    Yossi Zamir
    Cila Krystal
    Holocaust survivor
    Holocaust survivor Cila Krystal from Kovno was 100 years old on April 21, 2008. She is completly independent and lives alone in a dilapidated apartment in Kfar Saba.Everyday she dresses herself and goes on her own to the local pensioners' home for meals and recreation. A volunteer for Serge and Beate Klarsfeld's social welfare activities in favor of Holocaust survivors came across her case when she finally asked for financial assistance from the Claims Conference and the local welfare services.The Klarsfeld's took care of renovating her home last month. The renovations continue and today they also delivered shoes, a 6 month supply of Ensure food supplement and cornflakes, and a microwave since for years now, she has been eating only cold food. Neither of her children support her in any way. She sleeps on a broken couch, has no cooking facilities, no doorbell, no banister for the stairs leading to her door, no gas in the house and limited electricity. April 30 2008. Photo by Yossi Zamir/Flash 90