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    Yossi Zamir
    Senator John McCain
    Senator Joseph Lieberman
    Senator Lindsay Graham
    Senator John McCain, US Presidential candidate for the Republican Party ,Senator Joseph Lieberman and Senator Lindsay Graham in a meeting with the Israeli minister Tzipi Livni in Jerusalem on March 19 2008. Photo by Yossi Zamir/ Flash90
    Yossi Zamir
    Senator John McCain
    Senator Joseph Lieberman
    Senator Lindsay Graham
    Senator John McCain, US Presidential candidate for the Republican Party ,Senator Joseph Lieberman and Senator Lindsay Graham in a meeting with the Israeli minister Tzipi Livni in Jerusalem on March 19 2008. Photo by Yossi Zamir/ Flash90
    Yossi Zamir
    Senator John McCain
    Senator Joseph Lieberman
    Senator Lindsay Graham
    Senator John McCain, US Presidential candidate for the Republican Party, Senator Joseph Lieberman and Senator Lindsay Graham in a meeting with the Israeli minister Tzipi Livni, Liberman and Israeli ambassador to the United States Salai Meridor greeting one another in Jerusalem on March 19 2008. Photo by Yossi Zamir/ Flash90
    Yossi Zamir
    Tzipi Livni
    Senator John McCain
    Senator John McCain, US Presidential candidate for the Republican Party, and Israeli minister Tzipi Livni in Jerusalem on March 19 2008. Photo by Yossi Zamir/ Flash90
    Yossi Zamir
    Senator John McCain
    Senator Joseph Lieberman
    Senator Lindsay Graham
    Senator John McCain, US Presidential candidate for the Republican Party ,Senator Joseph Lieberman and Senator Lindsay Graham in a meeting with the Israeli minister Tzipi Livni in Jerusalem on March 19 2008. Photo by Yossi Zamir/ Flash90
    Yossi Zamir
    Senator John McCain
    Senator Joseph Lieberman
    Senator Lindsay Graham
    Senator John McCain, US Presidential candidate for the Republican Party ,Senator Joseph Lieberman and Senator Lindsay Graham in a meeting with the Israeli minister Tzipi Livni in Jerusalem on March 19 2008. Photo by Yossi Zamir/ Flash90