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    Michal Fattal
    Ehud Olmert
    Israeli Prime Minister
    new immigrants
    Soviet Jews
    Prime Minister Ehud Olmert (2nd R) and the head of the Jewish agency Ze'ev Bielsky (4th R) grant Israeli ID cards to new immigrants from Russia at a ceremony to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the struggle to free Soviet Jews, in Jerusalem, 05 December 2007. Photo by Michal Fattal/Flash90.
    Michal Fattal
    Ehud Olmert
    Israeli Prime Minister
    Nathan Sharansky
    Ze'ev Bielsky
    new immigrants
    Soviet Jews
    Prime Minister Ehud Olmert (2nd R) and the head of the Jewish agency Ze'ev Bielsky (4th R) and Former Israeli politician Nathan Sharansky (2nd L) grant Israeli ID cards to new immigrants from Russia at a ceremony to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the struggle to free Soviet Jews, in Jerusalem, 05 December 2007. Photo by Michal Fattal/Flash90.