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  • Dudi Cohen
    Yossi Zamir
    dudi Cohen
    Mid-level Police Commander Dudi Cohen is the leading candidate to replace former Police Commissioner Moshe Karadi, who resigned earlier this year over alleged involvement in an organized crime affair, Cohen visited Yad Vashem this morning April 11,2007 with Moshe Karadi. Photo by Yossi Zamir/Flash 90
  • Dudi Cohen
    Yossi Zamir
    dudi Cohen
    Yad Vashem
    Mid-level Police Commander Dudi Cohen is the leading candidate to replace former Police Commissioner Moshe Karadi, who resigned earlier this year over alleged involvement in an organized crime affair, Cohen (L)visited Yad Vashem this morning April 11,2007 with Moshe Karadi(R). Photo by Yossi Zamir/Flash 90
  • Dudi Cohen
    Yossi Zamir
    dudi Cohen
    Yad Vashem
    Mid-level Police Commander Dudi Cohen is the leading candidate to replace former Police Commissioner Moshe Karadi, who resigned earlier this year over alleged involvement in an organized crime affair, Cohen visited Yad Vashem this morning April 11,2007 with Moshe Karadi. Photo by Yossi Zamir/Flash 90
  • Dudi Cohen
    Yossi Zamir
    dudi Cohen
    Yad Vashem
    Mid-level Police Commander Dudi Cohen is the leading candidate to replace former Police Commissioner Moshe Karadi, who resigned earlier this year over alleged involvement in an organized crime affair, Cohen visited Yad Vashem this morning April 11,2007 with Moshe Karadi. Photo by Yossi Zamir/Flash 90
    flash 90
    David Zur
    Hassan Farah
    **file 11.4.2007** Former Tel Aviv police chief David Zur (L) is one of the names on the list of candidates for police chief. Seen here with Hassan Farah at Yad Vashem. On Sunday, Maj. Gen. Uri Bar-Lev announced that he was withdrawing as a candidate for the post after being accused of sexual offenses. Photo by Flash90
    FLASH 90
    Uri Bar Lev
    ***FILE*** Portrait of Uri Bar Lev. April 11, 2007. Israel Police Insp.-Gen. David Cohen on Tuesday ordered Cmdr. Uri-Bar Lev, head of the Southern District, to return a certificate of recognition to the Beduin city of Rahat. Cohen's order ensured that relations between Bar-Lev and Cohen would continued to be acrimonious, after Public Security Minister Avi Dichter blocked the police chief's attempt to fire Bar-Lev via e-mail. Photo by Flash 90.